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Competitive Events Program
FBLA-PBL's National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Through state-based competition at the spring State Leadership Conferences, students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills. Top state winners then are eligible to compete for honors at the National Leadership Conference each summer.


Conferences & Seminars
FBLA-PBL sponsors conferences and seminars for members and advisers. These programs are designed to foster the development of business leadership skills.


National Leadership Conference
FBLA-PBL members have the competitive edge, as the best and brightest of FBLA and PBL convene to compete in leadership events, share their successes, and learn new ideas about shaping their career future through workshops and exhibits. This four-day conference is considered the pinnacle of the FBLA-PBL experience, especially for those running for national office. FBLA-PBL has forged partnerships with industry leaders to underwrite competitive events and scholarships for students achieving national ranking.


Institute for Leaders
Held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference, this high-energy, intensive, two-day seminar is a focused-leadership experience for state and local chapter officers, as well as members and advisers.


National Fall Leadership Conference
Each fall, new leaders and advisers from chapters across the nation gather for one of four conferences designed to guide and motivate their success for the year. This includes workshops, seminars, exhibits, and general sessions, as well as the benefit of networking among their peers from other cities and states.  



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