The DC State Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America
Information and Documents
Deadline for Membership Dues
March 1st
Next State Meeting
Second Thursday of Each Month
The March for Babies
Each spring DC FBLA walks in the March for Babies! This is a fun day out with people who share our passion for improving the health of babies. There are family teams, company teams and people walking with friends - it's a great feeling knowing we're all helping real families. Join our event and walk with us to raise money for babies right here in our community!
State Leadership Conference
Each spring DC FBLA hosts a State Leadership Conference where we hear from workshop presenters and special guests, elect state officers, and present awards.
National Leadership Conference
Each summer DC FBLA participates in the FBLA National Leadership Conference. State winners compete for national recognition at this event, which is held in a different major U.S. city each year.
For info- http://www.fbla-pbl.org/conferences/nlc/